Emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises
Support economic growth and job creation,livelihood,education and health
Development of constructive personal, group, and Political Peach relationships across the country
The national primary net attendance ratio is estimated at 49 percent for boys and 40 percent for girl.
When I started up my business, our IDP camp was falling short to dislocations as any sort of business hope was certainly more unlikely," she explained. "Families finally started settling down at Nasahablood as official new home, I have noticed the need for tailoring shop that’s affordable to community in terms of distance and products, this is to produce uniforms for schools, dresses for women, etc." Miss Abdillahi arguably told
Idil Abdillahi
The success story of Idil
Khadra Mohamed salad, a young mother with 5 children of 2 boys and 3 young girls, live in Dara salam IDP, a Sida RRM project target IDPs camp, she got married in early age and almost below her adult age, due to her family’s livelihood status, Khadra has gone through a perpetual struggle willing she will somehow contribute to her family in economic wise. Unfortunately, Khadra and her husband have been affected severely affected by protoceratid effects of COVID-19
Khadra Mohamed salad
Success story of Khadra Mohamed
During the most complicated periods in drought, Kiin and her family has received an amount of $75.00 twice, this assistance became a surge for her family to tackle the shocks of food insecurity by easing the access to nutritious food for household members, particularly young children. At the end of 2 rounds of Unconditional Cash Transfer UCT.
Kin Abdi Awil
Success story of Kin Abdi Awil
Taakulo Somali Community “TAAKULO”.
The Taakulo Somali Community is a non-profit humanitarian organization established in 2007.