
Protection and Human Rights

Somalia continues its slow emergence from decades of civil war, albeit that the armed conflict with al Shabaab continues. Lack of Rule of Law remains the biggest obstacle for protection of the basic human rights with basic policing functions, access to justice and correctional facilities only being available in limited locations, in practice Mogadishu and in the regional capitals to varying degrees. Somalia is a patriarchal society where women’s rights continue to be violated. Women and girls’ rights continue to be seriously violated. Sexual & gender-based violence is widespread, including assaults, rape, sexual violence. Children’s rights remain a concern – despite the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 2015. In particular, recruitment, use, and detention of children in conflict across all parties continue to compromise Somalia’s human rights record.
The most significant protection activities conducted by Taakulo are including; awareness campaign regarding Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting-FGM/C, early marriage and promotion of girl’s education, these campaigns were made in different ways such as events, debates, distribution of ICE materials, radio messages, school awareness, each activity delivered a specific message such as health and psychosocial  impact of FGM/C on girls, effect of FGM/C and early marriage to the girl’s education, promotion of the right of education for girls, creating a safe or/and friendly spaces for adolescent girls and elimination of menstruation stigma among the girls.

Health indicators in Somalia are among the Taakulo have largely targeted rural health lowest in the world. The immunization facilities in remote areas and hospitals, in coverage rate for measles is 46% countrywide urban areas where capacity to access one in three Somalis have access to safe water; one in every nine Somali children dies

Taakulo stands for those affected by humanitarian and conflict crises to be protected and receive basic services including legal aid. Our area of this sector is child protection, gender-based violence, housing, land and property. Taakulo has been an active role in the protection section which mainly implements all protection-related activities with also mainstreaming protection for all organization’s projects. 

Taakulo Somali Community “TAAKULO”.

About Us

The Taakulo Somali Community is a non-profit humanitarian organization established in 2007.

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